Free Activities at the Cosmonautics and Aviation Centre This Week: Tours About Satellites and the Moon, a Lecture, Saturday Coffee

28 march 2022

From 29 March to 3 April, the Cosmonautics and Aviation Centre at VDNH will host tours—Satellites. Earth from Space, To the Moon and Back, a tour for hearing-impaired visitors, a Radio for Aliens lecture and a Saturday Coffee with a Scientist. Participation in all activities is free, by registration in advance.

On 29 March at 1 p.m., 3 p.m. and 5 p.m., there will be Satellites. Earth from Space tours. Guests will learn how satellite technology is used in the modern world, see models of modern and historical satellites and find out why the word 'satellite' is known around the world. Registration is required.

On 31 March at 1 p.m., 3 p.m. and 5 p.m., the Cosmonautics and Aviation Centre invites to To the Moon and Back tours timed to coincide with the 56th anniversary of the launch of the Soviet interplanetary probe Luna-10. On 3 April at 1 p.m., 3 p.m. and 5 p.m., tours of the same title will take place again. Visitors will be able to examine the globe of the Moon, see full-size models of the interplanetary probes Luna-3 and Luna-9, the moonwalker and learn what the real lunar soil looks like. Tour guides will acquaint guests with interesting facts about the many years of research on the natural satellite of the Earth and tell if the Moon has water and a dense atmosphere, on what side of the Moon you can find the Sea of Moscow (or Mare Moscoviense) and how many people have been to the lunar surface. Registration for 31 March is on the website, for 3 April—at the link.

On 1 April at 4 p.m., there will be a sightseeing tour for hearing-impaired visitors. The story about the most important milestones in the history of national cosmonautics will be accompanied by sign language interpretation. Participation is by registration.

On 2 April at 12:00 p.m., attendees can participate in another Saturday Coffee at Cosmos Café. This is a new format of educational activities that appeared at VDNH this year. In a friendly atmosphere in the lecture hall over a cup of coffee, participants will talk about the news of science. This time, the title of the meeting is "Brain and weightlessness", and the invited expert will be Elena Tomilovskaya, a candidate in biological sciences, a leading researcher, head of the department at the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, full member of the International Academy of Astronautics.

Scientists know quite well that a long stay in weightlessness causes a significant weakening of the muscles and skeleton, as well as the cardiovascular system. However, the effects of spaceflight and similar conditions on the brain, which is the main controlling organ of our body, were unknown until recently. Participants will discuss the results of space and ground-based experiments. Registration in advance is required.

On 3 April at 4:00 p.m., guests of the Cosmonautics and Aviation Centre can visit a free Radio for Aliens lecture. The lecturer is Vladimir Surdin, an astronomer, a senior researcher at the Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Ph.D. in physics and mathematics.

Astronomical scientists searching for intelligent life in the universe suggest that if we are ever spotted by aliens, it will most likely be in the radio range. That is why radio signals are mostly used now to search for extraterrestrial civilisations. Lecture participants will talk about the language in which we are going to communicate with the space brothers, what messages have already been sent and received in response, what is planned to do in the near future, whether it is possible to communicate with extraterrestrials without using radio. Registration is on the site.

The age limit for these activities is 12+.

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