Apple Feast Menu at VDNH

19 august 2021

In Orthodox Christianity, Apple Feast of the Saviour is observed on 19 August. It is the time when apples, pears and plums reach ripeness. On 19 August, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Transfiguration of Our Lord and take apples to church for consecration. The cafés and restaurants at VDNH have prepared a selection of traditional and creative dishes with apples for the occasion.

Appetisers and Salads

The Ottepel restaurant has added a new, delicious starter on the menu. Mackerel and apple bruschetta. It is fish pate with fruit, served on a crunchy toast. The refreshingly unusual taste combination cannot fail to impress. The same restaurant offers herring vorschmack, the Jewish classic. It is an hors d'oeuvre of hashed herring and apples, garnished with pumpernickel croutons and herring eggs.

The eel and apple salad at Moscow Sky restaurant is nothing short of amazing. There are two other ingredients: purple radish and fennel. The dish makes for a very a filling snack or complement to the main course.


Apple and curry salmon en papillote is another dish with apples, offered by the Fishing Village restaurant. Salmon is seasoned with sea salt, a slice of lemon and golden curry, lending a pleasant golden yellow hue to the dish. The salmon is served on a bed of green apples under a blanket of cream & brandy sauce.

Café Russkiy Chai's contribution to Apple Feast Day is pork Welsh style: layers of pork neck interspersed with layers of apples, ginger and honey. Tasting both softer and juicier through the addition of apples, the dish is perfect for an al fresco dinner on the veranda or in the garden pavilion.


The same café invites VDNH visitors to try its walnut, raisin and cinnamon strudel and homemade pancakes with apple filling.

Walnut apple fritters is the apple-based speciality offered by Vsyo Len (Too Lazy) café & restaurant. The dessert is both simple and elegant. Warm, savoury fritters are served with a scoop of ice cream and a wild raspberry topping.

The family café Ferma strongly recommends its homemade strudel. They prepare their apple roll according to an old recipe. Apples are sautéed with sugar, cinnamon, nuts and raisins. Then this preparation is rolled into flaky dough and baked to a golden brown. It is Ferma's custom to serve its strudel with a side of vanilla ice cream.

Apple pie is the apple speciality you will be offered at Svadba Soyek café. This dessert, made with cookie dough, literally melts in your mouth. The pie is served with ice cream or mouthwatering cream cheese.

Café Pirogi offers a selection of apple filled pastries. Their chefs use choicest fruit and creamery-fresh butter. There is a choice of extra toppings like cranberry or cinnamon.

One of the treats VDNH is famous for are caramelised apples. They sell them in kiosks along Central Alley.


Different apple-based drinks are offered by most VDNH food and beverage establishments. They make apple tarragon lemonade at Varenichnaya No. 1, fresh apple juice and the alcohol-free Green Apple cocktail at Moscow Sky. Green Apple is made with a homemade syrup of fresh estragon or tarragon, apple purée and soda.

Those partial to healthier foods will not overlook the Green Detox smoothie on the Ottepel menu. It is made from green apples, ground with cucumbers, arugula, ginger and lemon juice.

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