Audio Guide to the Masterpieces of VDNH Architecture

Today till 21:00
About event

VDNH invites everyone who wants to learn more about its history to come on a sightseeing tour with an audioguide. Along your walk, you will hear an exciting story of the present and the future of our exhibition complex along with the most curious facts and events that occurred during its 81-year history.

During this 90-minute-long excursion, you will walk from the Main Entrance arch to the Cosmos pavilion and back. The narrative covers 38 landmarks, including the Soviet republic pavilions, fountains and other architectural masterpieces and VDNH symbols.

Among other things, the audio tour will discuss:

  • the huge high relief discovered during the Central pavilion's restoration;
  • which republic each woman on the Friendship of Peoples Fountain represents;
  • interesting facts connecting Count Sheremetyev to VDNH;
  • how the majestic Stone Flower Fountain was built and a lot more.

Our state-of-art audio guide Orpheo Mikro LX comes with a map showing key objects along the excursion. You can follow a pre-arranged route or create your own, turning on your audio guide at any point you wish.

Buy tickets in the information kiosks near the Main Entrance arch and on the Central Alley.

10:00 — 21:00
Tickets price
Audio guide in Russian
RUB 300
Tickets are available for sale at the information centre in the Main Entrance arch.
Audio guide on English
RUB 500
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