Excursions «A Journey Through Time. VDNH. Across the Years and Epochs»

Today from 10:30
About event

During the excursion A Journey Through Time. VDNH. Across the Years and Epochs, guests will discover the interesting and difficult foundation of VDNH, originally VSHV, learn about the main stages of its development and the architecture of each period.

VDNH is a reflection of the history and architecture of Moscow and the Soviet Russia. Almost every period of the Soviet history found itself reflected here in northeast Moscow.

During the excursion you will learn:

  • how the Exhibition was built;
  • what nationally famous architects created its primary pavilions;
  • how the Exhibition changed during the 1950-1960s;
  • how and when the agricultural exhibition transformed into an Exhibition showcasing the feats of our entire national economy;
  • how the progress of science and technology changed the very concept of the Exhibition;
  • what the Exhibition will look like after reconstruction is complete.

All tours must be booked in advance by phoning +7(495)554-34-96, +7(495)544-34-73. Bookings are open from Monday to Friday.

10:30 — 18:00
По предварительному заказу
Tickets price
Sign up for a tour in advance by phoning +7(495)554-34-96, +7(495)544-34-73.
Group of up to 25 people
RUB 5,000
Group of up to 35 people
RUB 5,500
В подборке